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Patient comfort

Learn how to discuss patient comfort in Spanish

English Spanish
Are you having difficulty breathing? ¿Tiene dificultad para respirar?
Did you sleep okay? ¿Ha dormido bien?
Are you cold? ¿Tiene frio?
Are you hot? ¿Tiene calor?
Do you need another blanket? ¿Necesita otra cobija?
Do you need a bedpan? ¿Necesita otro bacín de cama?
Would you like another pillow? ¿Quiere otra almohada?
I'm going to put the bedpan here. Voy a poner el bacín aquí.
Are you in pain? ¿Está adolorido?
Where does it hurt? ¿Dónde le duele?
Touch the spot where it hurts. Toque el punto donde le duele.
Is the pain sharp? ¿Es agudo el dolor?
Is the pain dull? ¿Es leve el dolor?
Is the pain throbbing? ¿Es punzante el dolor?
Is the pain constant? ¿Es constante el dolor?
Is the pain crushing? ¿Es un dolor aplastante?

Additional study materials

We have partnered with Learn With Echo in order to provide materials that will assist in your pronunciation of the phrases you just studied. You can listen to a slower version of the phrases, record your voice as you pronounce the phrases, and play your voice back and compare it to the voice of a native Spanish speaker.

Our sections

doctors and pediatric patient

You will be able to help patients with basic movements during their hospital stay.

Patient orientation

dentist and patient

You will be able to assess your patient's comfort levels in Spanish.

Patient comfort

doctors and elderly male patient

You will be able to communicate procedures and discuss medication.

Communicating procedures

doctors and elderly female patient

You learn how to introduce yourself and others, and ask if the patient understands.

Making connections

discharge orders on clipboard

You learn how to communicate basic discharge information in Spanish.

Patient discharge

nurse and infant

This section contains phrases related to maternity and newborn care.

Maternity and newborns