Written by
Evelin Maza,
Evelin Mercedes Maza Guia is a physician from the University of Oriente in Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
In this issue
Learning on the go!
The goal of this newsletter is to provide you with enough information to be useful, but not more than can be learned within the busy schedule of a health care worker. You’ll find anatomy charts, additional vocabulary, occasional feedback from subscribers, and more! Feel free to read them now and save them for later use such as with a patient or as a study guide for coursework.
A Colles’ fracture, is a fracture of the distal radius. It’s probably the most common, constituting at least 10% of all fractures. The term is often used to refer to any fracture of the distal radius that has dorsal displacement of the fracture fragments. It’s sometimes referred to as a “dinner fork” deformity due to the shape of the resultant forearm. It is most commonly caused by people falling onto a hard surface and breaking their fall with outstretched arms.
The classic Colles’ fracture has the following characteristics:
The symptoms of a broken wrist usually consist of immediate acute pain, tenderness, bruising, swelling and a visible deformity.
Una fractura de Colles es una fractura distal del radio. Probablemente sea una de las más frecuentes, constituyendo no menos de 10% de todas las fracturas. Este término se usa usualmente para referirse a cualquier fractura distal del radio que tiene un desplazamiento dorsal de los fragmentos fracturados. A veces se le refiere como “una deformidad de dorso de tenedor” por la forma resultante del antebrazo. Es causada más comúnmente por personas que caen hacia adelante sobre una superficie dura y detienen su caída con las manos extendidas.
La fractura clásica de Colles tiene las siguientes características:
Los síntomas de una fractura de muñeca normalmente consisten en un dolor agudo inmediato, sensibilidad, contusiones, inflamación y una deformidad visible.
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Written by
Evelin Maza
on January 27, 2016
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