In this issue
Learning on the go!
Usually, the goal of this newsletter is to provide you with enough information to be useful, but not more than can be learned within the busy schedule of a health care worker. However, this week we are giving our readers a double issue. You’ll find anatomy charts, additional vocabulary not found on the website, and more! Feel free to read the newsletter now and save them for later use such as with a patient or as a study guide for coursework.
Craniosynostosis: is a congenital disorder in which there’s a premature closure of one or more of the sutures that separate the bones of a baby’s skull.
Brachycephaly: results from premature fusion of the coronal sutures.
Scaphocephaly or dolichocephaly: a premature fusion of the sagittal suture.
Plagiocephaly: an asymmetrical distortion (flattening of one side) of the skull.
Craneosinostosis: es una alteración congénita en la que se produce el cierre prematuro de una o más de las suturas que separan los huesos del cráneo de un bebé.
Braquiocefalia: resulta de la fusión prematura de las suturas coronarias.
Escafocefalia o dolicocefalia: la fusión prematura de la sutura sagital del cráneo.
Plagiocefalia: la distorsión asimétrica (aplastamiento lateral) del cráneo.
A Pott's fracture is a type of ankle fracture that is characterized by the fracture of one or more malleoli. It is usually caused by the forceful eversion of the foot.
The eversion force will strain the sturdy medial (deltoid) ligament, often tearing off the medial malleolus due to its strong attachment. The talus then moves laterally, shearing off the lateral malleolus or, more commonly, breaking the fibula. A fractured fibula in addition to the detachment of the medial malleolus will tear the tibiofibular syndesmosis.
A syndesmosis is a slightly movable fibrous joint in which bones such as the tibia and fibula are joined together by connective tissue.
Una fractura de Pott es una fractura del tobillo caracterizada por la fractura de uno o mas de los maléolos. Usualmente es causada por la eversión forzada del pie.
La fuerza de eversión tirara del resistente ligamento deltoideo, a menudo arrancando el maléolo medial debido a su fuerte adhesión. El astrágalo luego se mueve lateralmente, fracturando el maléolo lateral o, más comúnmente, fracturando el peroné. Una fractura de peroné, además del desprendimiento del maléolo medial, romperá la sindesmosis tibioperonea.
Una sindesmosis es una articulación fibrosa ligeramente móvil en la cual los huesos como la tibia y el peroné se unen entre sí por tejido conectivo.
Download this sheet as a PDF
For quick reference in the ward.
Click here for Craniosynostosis (PDF, 1mb)
Click here for Pott’s fracture (PDF, 1mb)
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