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Knee and osteoarthritis

In this issue

Learning on the go!

The goal of this newsletter is to provide you with enough information to be useful, but not more than can be learned within the busy schedule of a health care worker. You’ll find anatomy charts, medical Spanish phrases, additional vocabulary, occasional feedback from subscribers, and more! Feel free to read them now and save them for later use such as with a patient or as a study guide for coursework.

comparison of normal and arthritic knee joints

Anatomía de la piel humana — anatomy of the human skin

  • Artrosis
  • La debilidad y la alteración de los ten- dones o músculos / ligamentos
  • Destrucción del cartílago
  • Inflamación membrana sinovial
  • Reducción de la viscosidad del líquido
  • Sobrecrecimiento óseo (osteofitos)
  • Esclerosis ósea
  • Engrosamiento de la cápsula
  • Lesión meniscal
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Weakness and alteration of the ten- dons or muscles / ligaments
  • Destruction of cartilage
  • Synovial membrane inflammation
  • Synovial fluid viscosity reduction
  • Bony overgrowth (osteophytes)
  • Bone sclerosis
  • Thickening of the capsule
  • Meniscal lesion

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For quick reference in the ward.

Click here (PDF, 1mb)

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Part of Health Care Spanish’s mission is to create a useful resource for health care workers. However, there is only so much that can be done without feedback from you. Email questions or suggestions to . Tell us if there is a topic you want us to cover or a resource we can add to the site.

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